Re: [Salon] Republican Senators Introduce ‘End Endless Wars Act,’ Call for Biden to "Quit Pussyfooting around on the Battlefield!

On the same topic as what I just sent. To end the Vietnam War, Democrats finally cut off funding. And are still being denounced today by Traditional Conservative “deadenders.” Still supportive of  Goldwater as “who we must learn from today,” as Trump through his McCarthyite link, Roy Cohn (the “ZioCon” ideological roots of Trumpism), so thoroughly imbibed his "Peace Through Strength” fascist-like ideology.  

To end this war, all the so-called "Republican peaceniks” need do is go into open opposition to the insatiable appetite their fellow Republicans have to war, and military spending, by campaigning against the exorbitant military spending of the Republicans, always exceeding the Democrat’s proposals by at least 7% or so of the total military budget. Instead, they engage in these theatrics knowing that as Goldwater, and Cheney echoing him said, there is no restraint on a President taking us into War. And Trump, informed by his Goldwaterite advisors of Hillsdale College and Claremont Institute, “good Conservatives” that they are, know that and agrees fully with it. As he demonstrated by taking the U.S. into clandestine war against Iran with Israel under his partner Netanyahu:

Attachment: Warpowers.pdf
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Attachment: Enemies of the Country:LeMay.pdf
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The latter is disingenuous when he praises Eisenhower for having “instituted” programs giving us “armed superiority over communism,” when it was he and his fanatical militarist infrastructure of National Review who had endlessly criticized Eisenhower for not spending enough on the military! But it doesn’t take long going through Goldwater’s correspondence at ASU to see that he was a serial liar! 

So this is more of Republican/libertarian theatrics and “Six-party theory” micro-targeting per CIA and Arthur Finkelstein developed campaign strategy for that remaining sliver of Ron Paul war opponents ("throw them a bone" in the form of tax cuts for the Oligarchs, and they go silent, as we saw in 2017, but get their votes first by promising to “end the endless wars,” as Trump did). Micro-targeted as it is of Paul family devotees who believe as well that if we turn (what remains of it) our national wealth over to Oligarchs, like Peter Thiel, personally and to his surveillance firm, and eliminate non-military spending as Republicans and libertarians incessantly call for, we will have reached Nirvana! 

This is showmanship, with the deceivers lying to us that Trump “really wanted to end the endless war,” while building "our beloved military \\\

Here’ the "real face" of Republicans:, channeling Barry Goldwater, and his “Ideological infrastructure" of “Buckley, Burnham, and Kendall,” all having just left CIA in 1954 when they turned their hands to their private war incitement “Influence Operation” of National Review magazine. Which set us on our crime rampage of “murder/suicide (the latter in slow, but continuous, motion)

BLUF: "I'd say from the very beginning, they've been engaging in half-measures while Ukraine has been half-succeeding, unless you quit pussyfooting around on the battlefield," the Little Rock Republican said.” 

Goldwater, or his friend Curtis Lemay, couldn’t have put it better!

But after this speech, the Russians and the Chinese, knew we were coming after them!

On Jun 9, 2023, at 12:46 PM, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

Republican Senators Introduce ‘End Endless Wars Act’ to Repeal 2001 AUMF

by Dave DeCampJune 8, 2023
Passed in the wake of 9/11, the 2001 AUMF is still used to justify war today

A group of Republican senators on Thursday introduced a bill to repeal the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) that was passed in the wake of the September 11th attacks and is still being used to justify wars today.

The End Endless Wars Act was introduced by Senators Rand Paul (R-KY), Mike Lee (R-UT), JD Vance (R-OH), and Mike Braun (R-IN). The legislation would repeal the 2001 AUMF 180 days after its enactment.

“If there exists any desire to reclaim our Constitutional power and send a message to the world that we are a nation of peace, Congress should pass this bill and repeal the 2001 Authorization for war. After all, the 2001 AUMF never intended to authorize worldwide war, all the time, everywhere, forever,” said Sen. Paul, according to a press release from his office.

Sen. Lee said the 2001 AUMF has “become one of the many instruments of misuse, and it is time for members of Congress to end this authority that keeps us in endless wars.” Sen. Braun said that no president should “have the authority to singlehandedly wage war” and called to “return this power to the people and repeal this authorization that has far outlived its’ purpose.”

The 2001 AUMF currently authorizes war in Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, and several other countries. There’s been a push in Congress to repeal the 2002 AUMF that was used for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, but that authorization is not used today, and repealing it won’t end any current wars.

In March, the Senate voted to repeal the 2002 AUMF and the 1991 AUMF used for the Gulf War. At the time, Sen. Paul attempted to include an amendment to the legislation to repeal the 2001 AUMF, but it failed in a vote of 9-86.

Author: Dave DeCamp

Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

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